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GWS Corsair crash rebuild

Got cleaned up from behind this morning by a fellow flyer while flying on the field. Tore me up with his prop and the ground finished the job. Lots of internal damage but the fuse held true thanks to the 3mm CF rods I have glued down each half of the fuse! :) I think it will buff right out and be good to go, once I replace the destroyed battery, servo, prop, cowl, foam, stickers, paint.....

First the damage:

Although a lot of the breaks can't be seen in the photo and it looks pretty neat on a nice clean board all laid out nice and tidy, it is a mess but I have already got most of it done thanks to a whole Sunday of repairing. I made a new cowl from that plaster mold. New stickers have been made ready to go on. New aileron servo has been mounted and wired in. New foam has been cut and glued to fill the huge gaps of missing and compressed foam areas plus filled and sanded. Motor mount has been fixed and is ready to go back in. New rear control horns are fitted and hooked up. I have already started repainting the fuse but the wing needs some more sanding before I start spraying that. I must admit I did write it off but I remember some of the shocking wipe outs I use to have with my GWS Messerschmidt and I used to repair that so I thought I would see how I went on this one.

The other model was was destroyed too. He was flying a Boomerang of similar size but much faster. It was a balsa-ply/formed plastic/solarfilm mix. He has written off his plane and plans to put the gear into a Stuka he just purchased.
He was gracious enough to offer to buy a new model or pay for damages but I declined as accidents happen when there's a group of you all zooming around with no real flight plan in play. I think the look on my face may have revealed something other than just 'oh, it's alright, don't worry about it....' ;)

This isnt a very good shot but it shows the rebuild in progress. Hhhmmm, so many foamie bits left over(bottom left):

Here is the progress of the rebuild. I think it turned out pretty well. Wing repair went well:

The cowl turned out a little wobbly at the front because I used the bottom of the bottle to shrink instead of the top. I made another one after that which turned out really well and will hang on to that one for a spare. Here it is getting painted:

Stickers turned out well too:

Final model after rebuild. Note the little red sticker below the canopy -
Corsair kills: 1, John the Boomerang owner: nill ! ;)

Here are some shots of it in flight after the rebuild - looking nice!



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