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                 Past Projects

Micro Ultimate

May 15, 2006.

I have attached wire landing gear and tailskid, flairs, wheelpants, wingstruts and rudder graphics. AUW so far is a mere 6.7g! Coming up next is the canopy.. click here

Profile Sukhoi Shock Flyer MKII
Profile Sukhoi Shock Flyer

Mar 14, 2006.

Well, after 2 front end rebuilds and more epoxy than foam, my original homebrew sukhoi finally just wouldn't fly right anymore. I made another one over the weekend using grey depron and the gear from the first one (including the homebrew cdrom motor) and maidened it this morning... click here

Profile Sukhoi Shock Flyer
Profile Sukhoi Shock Flyer

Sep 20, 2005.

Here's my first Pusher Jet. I usually stick to indoor WWII stuff but feel I may have crossed over to the dark side making this!.. click here

3D Pitts
3D Pitts

11 Aug 2005.

A full fused project to allow indoor aerobatics on a small brushless motor.. click here

Micro Fokker DR1 MkII
Micro Fokker DR1 MkII

Feb 24, 2005.

Since my first test model Fokker DR1 was such a pain but proved I could get it to fly, I am starting a new build from scratch to fix all the problems I discovered with the Mk1 model. Specs are: 12" W/S, KP-00 4.75:1 motor, 5" CF Prop, 140 Lipo, JMP Rx, 2 x Falcon Servos. AUW of Mk1 was 38g. Throwing all the Mk2 parts and components onto a scale without the glue weighs in at 24g! Much more respectable weight... Click here

Micro Moth
Micro Moth

Dec 02, 2004.

I still have to do a complete write up on this one.. Click here

Micro Fokker DR1 MkI
Micro Fokker DR1 MkI

Sep 02, 2004.

I still have to do a complete write up on this one.. Click here

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