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Hyperion Sukhoi SU31 Rebuild
Hyperion Sukhoi SU31 Rebuild

Jun 01, 2007.

My latest crash score from a fellow aeromodeller. The Hyperion Sukhoi SU31. He keeps crashing it and doesn't like it's characteristics. The last crash he had with it saw the fuse get pretty mangled and the front end is almost non existent. I take delivery of it for repair soon!.. Click here

GWS P51 Mustang rebuild
GWS P51 Mustang Rebuild

Jan 14, 2007.

I scored yet another model that a flyer wrote off. This time a P51 Mustang that got totalled in a radio glitch incident. Repairing it was fun and I got to try my hand at sculpturing a new nose area using micro filler.. Click here

Ikarus Extra300s Shock Flyer rebuild
Ikarus Extra300s Shock Flyer rebuild

Jan 07, 2007.

A model a friend didn't want after crashing it a few times. I swapped it for a motor he wanted. I rebuilt it to learn stunts on to apply to the Ultrafly Extra300S. Better to crash this one then the full fuse version. Click here

CAC Boomerang crash rebuild
CAC Boomerang crash rebuild

Dec 28, 2006.

Here is the rebuild of a CAC Boomerang my Mate wrote off as too hard to fix - opting to just buy a new one for 90 bucks. Click here

GWS Corsair crash rebuild
GWS Corsair crash rebuild

Aug 29, 2006.

Finished the rebuild this morning before work. I think it turned out pretty well but as usual, it looks a lot better in the photos than in real life. Click here


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