Work commenced on repairing the
Sukhoi SU31 this week (01/08/07).
With other projects running hot,
starting this repair took a back
seat. The easy repairs have been
carried out first.
The cockpit canopy was cracked
in 2 places, so a coat of epoxy
to the inside and some clear tape
on the outside saw that done.
A new wing spar was needed as
the original snapped on both sides
where the wings meet the fuselage.
The landing gear needed a scrub
up as it was covered in mud.
Moving on to the fuselage proved
to be a slow repair process. It
looks like I will have to make
each piece that's missing using
the TLAR method to reconstruct
it. Below is a picture of the
front end before I started repairs.

The front end is completely useless
to me as every piece is broken
so I decided to simply cut it
all off and rebuild the whole
lot. Here's an image of the parts
I had to work with. As you can
see - there is not much point
glueing all that back together

I repaired the fuse walls above
the wing area and strengthened
some of the sidewall areas which
had been split from the crash
with ply strips.

I pieced together what the fuse
parts should look like from the
original scraps and made a new
former, firewall and fuse sides.
I managed to salvage the motor
mount box as that stayed in tact
from the crash and glued a new
mount to the front of it, so the
front end still has an original
piece in use now. I added another
layer of 2mm ply to the landing
gear plate as the original seems
just too thin to hold the screws
in place on a heavy landing.

Just some balsa wedges to glue
and sand to the underneath of
the fuse to allow the LG plate
to meet the fuse nicely and then
I can move onto covering the repairs
with some fresh solarfilm. This
went well and after remounting
the Landing Gear the model is
now ready to have the R/C gear

The rebuild continues...