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                 DH108 Swallow
3D Printed 20mm EDF unit

Specs for the Tevo printed fan unit are:
Weight 6g
Static thrust: 26g
E-Flux: 55.5km/h
Amp draw: 2.9A on 2S

Print out the plan and parts and stick to sheet balsa


The DH108 Swallow - 15.5" wingspan - allows the fan to just fit into the tail area. This is a design by Steve Page over at, intended for a jetex motor.



The first half of the fuse showing a half case of the fan unit which I printed up as a guide to make sure it all lines up nicely.

Fuselage halves joined with EDF unit in place

The two halves hold the EDF unit like a glove (only placed together in this image).

The Wings

First wing half done.
That linear servo looks huge! It does fit with overhang out the bottom though. I strengthened the last 2 ribs with a layer of 1/64" birch ply in case I clip a wing tip.

Block Sanding


With all the balsa parts now completed it's time to sand to shape the block parts. Intakes will be glued on and canopy will be sanded to make the vacform canopy out of clear plastic.



Quick and nasty plug to form the canopy.

Intalling the R/C gear and covering


I glued on the first wing half and installed the servo. Connected everything up and made sure it worked before covering the wing in light solarfilm.

Top view of the model.

Model assembled


Next is to make a battery compartment for it before filming up the fuse and tail.

The DH108 Swallow Completed


The Swallow is now finished and awaiting its maiden.

The maiden flight was a struggle but after a little tweak described in the second video it was a winner!

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